Marg ERP 9 +

Marg ERP 9 +

Marg ERP is a leading ERP that can be customized for different industry verticals

How do I activate my Order App?
First, you have to download Order app from Google play store (search as Marg Order App) then go to Marg master >e- business >sales man set-up > choose salesman > create a user id and password>in registration id fill mobile id from Order App.
How I do Order from eOrder App?
First open app > fill required details> do sync then click on Order > new Order > select client > Order > search item > fill quantity > click on add for more items add >save.
What are the major benefits in eOrder with Marg ERP integration?
1- If sales man place the order through e order so there is no need for manual punching. You need not come office for order punching. 2- Salesman not to depend on the office for real time information. Like shortage, stock and clients outstanding. 3- Salesman can also track his order status.
How Can Salesman Track Orders Status?
Click On Order > Order List > Sync. 1- When first red icon will turn into the green that means order reach to distributors.2-when 2nd icon will convert into green means distributors generated that order into the bill. You can also see Bill preview. And 3rd icon indicates your dispatch status.
Does the App work Offline?
Yes, it works offline too but requires the internet when you want to send those Orders.